A Violin for His Glory
“하나님의 영광을 연주할 바이올린을 갖게 해 주세요.”
아주 어릴때 부터 바이올린을 연주해온 제니퍼 전양은 지금 부쩍자란 14살 소녀이다.
최근 수년동안 뉴욕 뉴저지 중심으로 많은 연주활동을 해온 제니퍼양은 장래가 촉망되는 천재적 재능의 소유자로 평가받아왔다. 어린 나이에 Sarasate, Mendelssohn등의 난해한곡도 충분히 소화해 내는기량에 많은 전문음악인들의 찬사와 미래에대한 기대가 크다. 그리고 그가 즐겨 연주하는 수많은 찬양곡 때문에 많은 크리스천 들의 사랑을 받는다. 그동안 제니퍼는 줄리아드음악학교의 대여 프로그램 혜택으로 받은 악기로 연주해 왔는데 그악기는 어린소녀의 체형에 맞춘 사이즈였다는것이다.
이제 그악기는 돌려주었고 새 바이올린이 필요하게 되었지만 제니퍼의 여건으로는 그비싼 연주용 바이올린을 장만할 수 없는 형편이다.
제니퍼는 여러사람의 도움을 받기로 마음을 먹고 인터넷에 펀드레이징 사이트를 만들어 놓았다.
동포사회가 어린소녀 음악가에게 관심을 갖고 조금씩 도움을 주어 그의꿈을 이루어준다면 머지않은 훗날 ,세계무대에서 활약하는 그의 모습으로 보람을 갖게 되지 않을까.

For four years, I had shared videos of myself playing the violin to the world through Youtube. Today, I share my story — one which I hope will reach the wonderful people I had been able to meet due to the grace of God.
(That includes you! :D)
The past few years have been times of great opportunities and many privileges for me. Constantly receiving support from my family, friends, and church, I was able to attend the Juilliard School, win competitions, play at Carnegie Hall and Kennedy Center, debut with two orchestras, have three solo recitals, serve churches as a gospel violinist, and play in missionary concerts in Mexico, Argentina, and Paraguay. Between these events, I uploaded videos of myself and my violin on Youtube, for I had seen how God’s praise can stir people’s hearts.
Many of you may have noticed my inactivity in Youtube these days. This is not because I am too busy, nor is it because I do not have the time… but because I currently do not own a violin.
During the previous years, I used a violin sponsored by Juilliard. However, ever since late-May, I was no longer able to use the wonderful instrument. Thus, my parents spent much of their time visiting violin shops, researching websites after websites, contacting a diverse list of people, all just to find a violin for me. However, after many failed attempts, we were forced to face the hard truth: the value of a violin for me was financially unbearable.
With your help, I will receive a full-size violin I can use for the rest of my life. Superficially, this seems to be a personal gain. However, I hope that this will bring more good to the audience more than me. As a musician, I had learned to give — to give the result of many hours of practicing and hard work, to no one else but the audience before me. With a violin, I want to inspire people, I want to plant a small seed of hope in someone’s life. I want to translate God’s message to a language anyone can understand.
(That includes you! :D)
The past few years have been times of great opportunities and many privileges for me. Constantly receiving support from my family, friends, and church, I was able to attend the Juilliard School, win competitions, play at Carnegie Hall and Kennedy Center, debut with two orchestras, have three solo recitals, serve churches as a gospel violinist, and play in missionary concerts in Mexico, Argentina, and Paraguay. Between these events, I uploaded videos of myself and my violin on Youtube, for I had seen how God’s praise can stir people’s hearts.
Many of you may have noticed my inactivity in Youtube these days. This is not because I am too busy, nor is it because I do not have the time… but because I currently do not own a violin.
During the previous years, I used a violin sponsored by Juilliard. However, ever since late-May, I was no longer able to use the wonderful instrument. Thus, my parents spent much of their time visiting violin shops, researching websites after websites, contacting a diverse list of people, all just to find a violin for me. However, after many failed attempts, we were forced to face the hard truth: the value of a violin for me was financially unbearable.
With your help, I will receive a full-size violin I can use for the rest of my life. Superficially, this seems to be a personal gain. However, I hope that this will bring more good to the audience more than me. As a musician, I had learned to give — to give the result of many hours of practicing and hard work, to no one else but the audience before me. With a violin, I want to inspire people, I want to plant a small seed of hope in someone’s life. I want to translate God’s message to a language anyone can understand.